Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Debian Core - Tricks & Tips

If you don't have Debian Core installed, here is the tutorial.  These are some tips and tricks that I have found useful. Use ROOT for all of these.

Hide This Login Information
touch ~/.hushlogin

Install Archey And Have It Run After login
apt-get install lsb-release scrot python ca-certificates


dpkg -i archey-0.2.8.deb

nano ~/.bashrc

Add these lines to the bottom - host -i displays the connected IP address

hostname -i

To add to other users besides Root - nano /home/YOURuserNAME/.bashrc

hostname -i

Auto-Login / Disable Extra ttys
nano /etc/inittab

change tty1 to: 1:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty tty1 --autologin root
User name is at the end.
I didn't notice any speed improvements, but if you want to disable tty3-tty6, comment them out with a #
Do NOT comment out tty1 or tty2

Enable Tab Completion
This allows you to use TAB when typing to save time.

apt-get install bash-completion

Skip GRUB Boot Menu
nano /etc/default/grub



Random Mac On Boot

apt-get install macchanger
nano /etc/init.d/macchanger

Add these lines (Change/remove eth0 and wlan0 if needed - ifconfig to check)

ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig wlan0 down

/usr/bin/macchanger -r eth0 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
/usr/bin/macchanger -r wlan0 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &

ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig wlan0 up

dhclient eth0 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
dhclient wlan0 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &

chmod +x /etc/init.d/macchanger
update-rc.d macchanger defaults 10
To check the difference after a reboot - macchanger -s eth0

Disable SSH Service On Boot
update-rc.d ssh remove

To start the service when you want to (root needed) service ssh start
To check if ssh is running service ssh status

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Install Debian Core (No GUI) - Tutorial

How to install Debian Core (No GUI). Install size is around 433MB.

Video Tutorial Here

1. Download the Debian Net Install ISO from here. (From the official site)

2. Burn debian-*-netinst.iso to a disc. -- I use Free ISO Burner since it doesn't need to be installed. It can be downloaded Here Browse for the .iso and then click Burn on the bottom left. -- I suggest removing all storage devices before install to keep from formatting the wrong device.

3. Insert the cd and reboot the computer. Boot from the cd by changing the boot order.

Dell  -  F12
HP   -  F9
4. You can go with Install, but for this tutorial I will be using Graphical Install.
5. Select your language, location, and keyboard.
6. Give the install a hostname. Can be anything you want. This is the name your install will show up as on the network.
7. You can click Continue when asked for a Domain Name.
8. Enter a password you want to use for root privileges.
9. Enter your name, your user name, and then the password you want to use.
10. Select you time zone.
11. Select Guided - use entire disk (This will delete EVERYTHING on the device)
12. Select the device you want to install it on.
13. To make things easy, select All files in one partition.
14. Click on Finish partitioning and write changer to disk.
15. Click Yes to confirm the partitioning settings.
16. Select your country again. Next select the server you want to download from. Unless you are behind a HTTP proxy, leave the box blank and click Continue.
17. Select whether you want to send anonymous usage statistic data.
18. Uncheck Debian desktop environment and any other packages you don't want.
19. Select Yes to install the GRUB boot loader. Lastly remove the CD and then click Continue to finish the installation.

Congratulations! Debian Core is now installed and running!


* To hide this type in: touch ~/.hushlogin

* Run updates:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

* Skip GRUB boot menu

nano /etc/default/grub

Change line to say GRUB_TIMEOUT=0

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tint2 Dock

Simple Tint2 Dock Config

panel_position = center right vertical
panel_size = 22% 46
panel_items = L

launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/terminator.desktop
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/geany.desktop
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/Thunar.desktop

#Panel Autohide
autohide = 1
autohide_show_timeout = 0
autohide_hide_timeout = 0.5
autohide_height = 0
strut_policy = minimum

Change the dock location - Change what is behind panel_position
Add icons - Add launcher_item_app = followed by the launcher location
If you don't want the dock to hide - Remove this and everything below it #Panel Autohide

If you want multiple Tint2s on startup
Edit the startup file with an editor, or open it though the terminal.
geany ~/.config/openbox/autostart
Add this under what's already there.
(sleep 1s && tint2 -c ~/tints/dock ) &
~/tints/dock is the location of the file.